Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt Turned Bad

This morning I woke up and I was so excited because it was Easter. Every Easter we go to Grandma's house and go on an Easter Egg hunt. But this year was not what I thought it was going to be. When we first got there, they had hunts set up for the different age groups. In my group was five eggs that had $500 dollars in them. So when it started kids started to push each other and take eggs from each other. And it turns out that there was no money eggs and the kids practically started a riot. Then I found one of the eggs filled with money and everybody practically knocked me out to get the eggs. This was the craziest day of my life

The End

Monday, March 22, 2010

Gold at the End of the Rainbow

There are many things I want to accomplish in life. One thing is to become an NFL hall of fame quarterback. For me to accomplish this goal would be like finding the gold at the end of the rainbow.

The reason that it would be like finding the gold at the end of the rainbow would be because it would mean I worked my way through a lot to get to the end. Then when I got to the end of the long road, I got the gold by being introduced into the NFL Hall of Fame. To be introduced into the NFL Hall of Fame is one of the greatest accomplishments in the world. Everybody in the United States will know who you are even after you are dead. Just like if you literally found gold at the end of the rainbow it would be a great accomplishment and everybody would know your name as well.

In conclusion, you know what is one of my most important goals to accomplish. Then you learned how that can be like finding the gold at the end of the rainbow.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

If I Was The Hand Sanitizer

Being hand sanitizer is not very good. At night and in the early morning it's not so bad because there's no people around. When the people are around my life is a horrible tragedy. The people always hit me on the head. Then when i start to bleed they start rubbing it on their hands. The humans are like cannibals taking the blood and rubbing it on their hands.

Even though being hand sanitizer isn't very good, there are some benefits. One thing is I never have to take a shower or be cleaned. Unlike computer number 12 who needs cleaned every other day. Man that's the only bad part about the night, computer number 12 always complains. Right when I'm about to fall asleep he starts to just rant. He'll say my life is miserable people hate me and I get viruses all the time. Well now you know what it's like to be hand sanitizer.